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Product Placement

How to add a new product?

There are two options available to upload the products:

#1 (Allows to add products by one each time)

Please, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your supplier panel;
  2. Press Products menu at the top-left corner→ Products
  3. Click “+” button (Add product) at the top-right corner of the page.
  4. Fill in all categories and fields
  5. Click Create or Create and close.

How can I import pictures for products?

To add images to the product, please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your supplier panel;
  2. Open your product’s page or create new product;
  3. Go to ‘General’;
  4. Images→ Local→ Choose a file
  5. Don’t forget to click ‘Create’ in the top-right corner in order to save changes.
Please note: all the product photos should have white/light gray background.

#2 (Allows to Import information about all the products at once with CSV file)

  • 1) Choose “Import Products” in the Products menu
  • 2) In the tab “Products” you will find the list of fields that your file can contain. Please save your file in CSV format.

    Column names “Product code” and “Language” are required. When preparing your file, please note:

    • - In this main file only main (M) pictures of the products can be added. All the additional photos can be added via separate CSV file (you may find the instructions below)
    • - In the tab “Detailed Image” you need to put the file name of the picture that corresponds the product
    • - Categories must correspond to the ones that are listed on the website

    Below you may find an example of our CSV file:

  • 3) To add product pictures, go to “Files Editor” in “Files Directory Field”:
  • 4) Upload pictures
    After uploading pictures, copy the path link.
  • 5) Go back to “Import Data” page and scroll down to “Import options”. Paste the path link in “Images Directory” line. At the bottom of the page click on Select File and upload your CSV file with product information.
  • 6) Choose the correct option in “CSV delimiter”
  • 7) At the top-right corner of the page press “Import”. Your products will be uploaded and will be available to view in the “Products” menu.

How can I import pictures for my product? UPLOADING ADDITIONAL PHOTOS:

  • 1) In order to upload additional photos to your products, please create a new CSV file. It should contain the following fields:

    If you want to add more than one additional picture to a product, please create a new line for each additional picture, as it is shown above. Pair type - A (for additional photos).

  • 2) Go to tab “Images” in Import Data menu:
  • 3) Upload necessary pictures in File Editor
  • 4) Copy the link with path to images and paste it in the “Images Directory” field:
  • 5) At the bottom of the page select and upload your CSV file with additional images data
  • 6) At the top-right corner of the page press “Import”.
    Additional images will be imported and can be viewed in Products menu.

How to add additional options to my product (color, size, taste, etc.)?

In order to add additional options to your product, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click Add Product or open the page of an existing product.
  2. Enter the needed information and click Create (if you add a new product).
  3. New tabs will appear. Choose the Options tab.
  4. Click +Add option.
  5. Fill the fields with the required information.
  6. Click Create to save.

Can I preview my product?

Yes. To see how the product finally looks on the page, please Save the changes → Click the “gear” button at the right corner → choose Preview.

Are there any limits of product placement?

For different account plans we offer different product limits; You can get the Pro Plan and have no limits on product listing.

Is there any additional listing fee?

No. You can list your vape products without any additional fees.