Bank Card Payment

Dear customer,

Welcome to Vawoo Platform and thank you for choosing us.

For your convenience, we have the following payment options:

  • 1) payment by debit card;
  • 2) payment by credit card;

If you want to make a purchase on Vawoo Platform, please have a look at this short guideline:

1. Choose a product you would like to order and click on BUY NOW button on the products page;


2. Follow all the mandatory steps and click on SUBMIT MY ORDER button;

3. Once you submit your order, you will be automatically redirected payment system checkout page, where you are able to choose card type: we accept Visa/Mastercard debit/credit cards. Click 'Pay now' button and click it once again on the next page as well:

4. On the next page payment method is required to be selected. Please click on the card type logo in order to choose it:

5. after you choose the card type, you will be redirected to the payment page. please fill in all the data required and click on the 'tick' at the bottom of the page. 

Once you click on the tick, you will complete your purchase and the money will be withdrawn from your bank account. You will be automatically transferred back to Vawoo.

You will receive an email notification, informing you that your order is processed.

Please note: All you personal information is secure. Learn more about how we protect your privacy here.