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Intellectual Property Policy

The following policy offers the needed information regarding intellectual property (IP) rights and any IP concerns that might arise when supplying VAWOO. Please note that VAWOO does not give legal advice. Please consult with your lawyer on questions concerning IP.


1. The meaning of copyright

A copyright protects original works of authorship and offers the author the exclusive rights to decide on what condition his work would be used.

2. How to know if you own the copyright?

In case you are the creator of the image or the text – you own the copyright. In case you borrowed the imagery or text from other resources, you have to have the owner’s permission to use it.

When adding content to the platform you assure that you own the copyright or the use permission for the content. As well you grant the license to use the content for VAWOO and its affiliates.


1. The meaning of a trademark

A trademark is an identification symbol the purpose of which is to distinguish between goods or services of different enterprises. A trademark is a protected intellectual property right.

In order to protect a trademark in the UK, it has to be registered in the UK Intellectual Property Office UKIPO. Trademark protection is limited. It depends on the place of registration.

The registration of a trademark will give an exclusive right to use a registered trademark. This means that the trademark can only be used by its owner or be licensed to the other party for use for a fee. Registration provides legal certainty and strengthens the position of the right holder.

2. What does a trademark protect?

The owner of the trademark can prohibit its usage:

- for goods or services which are the same or similar with the trademarked goods and services, to avoid any possible confusion from the customer’s side;

- in case the trademark has created a reputation in the EU and its use would create a situation where unfair advantage was taken.

3. What kind of trademarks can be found on VAWOO?

Trademarks are represented on as names of brands or products in the product description.

4. Is the owner’s permission to use the trademark necessary?

The owner can restrict the use in case there are legitimate means for it. An unauthorized use can be considered an infringement. Always consult your lawyer before using somebodies trademark and placing it on VAWOO.

5. What is counterfeiting?

Counterfeiting is an imitation of a trademark or goods. Counterfeiting is illegal.

It is not considered counterfeiting in case a similar product is sold without using the trademark. But such products can infringe upon copyright rights or design rights.


1. The meaning of design?

A design is a protection of the appearance of goods. It can protect the whole product or parts of it which have unique characteristics (colours, structures, forms, materials)

A product is considered everything including fonts, packaging or any other symbols.

According to European law, a design can be registered, but unregistered designs are also protected to some extent. Unregistered design rights are acquired automatically and with no need for formalities. The unregistered design right is more limited in scope as well as duration (3 years) than the registered design right.

2. How to make sure that no design rights are violated on VAWOO?

You can always contact the manufacturer of goods or your lawyer on any questions arisen regarding design laws. The European Intellectual property Office offers resources to learn more about designs.

Date of Last Revision: June 18, 2018