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Useful information about vaping

In this article, we analyze the most relevant topic for beginners - the choice of liquid for electronic cigarettes, since the taste and smell of vapor depends on it.
A novice vaper is faced with a large number of brands and flavors, as well as the selection of liquid for a device model. We will go into detail about what you need to consider when choosing.

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Battery life is affected by its capacity. The higher it is, the longer the battery will last. So, a part with a capacity of 900 mAh is enough for 800 puffs, and for 1100 mAh - for 1000. The features of its operation also matter. We will share with you a few tips to help extend battery life.

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There are many differences between devices. Let's start with the fact that IQOS is produced by only 1 company Philip Morris, which is the developer of this device. There are a huge number of vape manufacturers, so they are presented in a large assortment on the market. IQOS does not help quit smoking, while studies confirm that vapes do

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The popularity of disposable e-cigarettes is growing every day. Along with it, the number of manufacturers is increasing, and this complicates the choice. We have prepared a rating, which included 10 brands of one-time drinks. When compiling, sales volumes and reviews of different models in the network were taken into account. Shall we get to know each other?

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You have decided to quit smoking (well, or at least minimize the harm caused to yourself and others by regular cigarettes). First, forever. After inquiring on the Internet, among friends, and after thinking it over, you came to the conclusion that achieving what you want with the help of an electronic steam generator is perhaps one of the most optimal solutions.

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Today, no one rejects the fact that the electronic cigarette is a full-fledged alternative to conventional cigarettes. Indeed, with the right selection of the device and the strength of the liquid, the user is not drawn to smoking ordinary cigarettes.

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Electronic cigarettes are electronic devices that have a fairly simple design. Just a few details that work together to achieve normal operation.

But, like many other devices, electronic cigarettes require care.

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Electronic cigarettes have become part of the modern world. More and more people are switching to them or quitting smoking with them. But it is quite difficult for a beginner to understand all the features of choosing a device. This article will help you figure out how to choose an electronic cigarette.

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Many beginners are faced with the problem of choosing coils for a serviced atomizer or drip. We will try to tell about the main features in deta

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