Vapelf PG & VG For DIY E-liquid



Vegetable Glycerin is the highest quality available with a water content of only 0.03-0.05%. It is the thickest, purest, un-diluted VG on the market and has the consistency of cold honey or molasses. Simply put, thick VG makes thick clouds; water makes steam.

Our carrier base liquids are crystal clear, smooth and absorb concentrated flavorings readily and hold onto it for even distribution in your recipes providing consistent taste in your product. Our odorless, colorless carrier bases are completely safe, easily dilute with water if you need to thin them and maintain their properties in storage.

When you use our VG in your recipes, you will be adding quality to your mixes that you can depend on to perform every time. Please be aware of your hardware limitations. tanks with exposed cotton will be fine and dripping is glorious.

Brand: Vapelf

Unit: 100ml/bottle

Packaging: Childproof plastic bottle in a paper box


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